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BCA Timetable i>Students in Batch i>Batch 1 Divya Mayank Zayed Shikha Arman BCA Solved Assignment 2019-20 Course Code : BCSL-057 Course Title : Web Programming Lab Assignment Number: BCA(S)/057/Assignment/2019-20 Q1. Create a website for a Bank which offers online Banking service to its registered customers. The website should be designed using logical divisions through
tags and an external CSS file. Every page of the website is divided into four divisions namely - Main, Cpyrt, Options and Data as displayed in the following figure: Ans: Home.html stitlesHome

Online Banking

50"> “vertical-menu"> TransactionsFeedback stro\
<% int account=|nteger.parselnt(request.getParameter("account")); bc: mysql://localhost'3306/University”; String user="Admin"; String password="Admin1234"; String SQL="SELECT * FROM bank WHERE account="+account; try Class. forName("com mysql. jdbe Driver"); Connegtion con=DriverManager.getConnection(url,user,password); Statement stmt=con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs=stmt.executeQuery(SQL); if(rs.next0) { >


«table border="1" cellpadding="10" class="textess">
Account Number
<% out. printin(rs.getString("Account")); %>
<% out. printIn(rs.getString(’Transactions”)); %>
yelse { out.print("

Invalid account Number"); } con.close(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(), } Qe «td>

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